What a Job! Does she need any new Staff?

I know, I know, I really should stop reading the Daily Mail. It’s not very P.C. of me and probably shows up my inherently right-leaning tenancies. But it’s a pretty good mobile app so it’s not like a pay to read it and, honestly, when you find gems like this article, how can you possibly stop?

The article is about Cara Houiellebecq, a 33-year-old mother of two from Lincoln, who runs a website that tests and reviews sex toys. Actually the website, The Cara Sutra, does a lot more than just review sex toys, but that the angle that The Mail (and loads of other news websites) has gone with.

Why? Because they claim she has 15 orgasms a week at work. That’s why.

Well, whoopee do. I have just as many because I love accounting so damn much! (That’s a joke – in case you didn’t notice).

2 thoughts on “What a Job! Does she need any new Staff?”

  1. Thanks for the mention.
    Yes, there’s always a spin in the press, right! I don’t get paid for the reviews either – I get paid for adverts and other writing – my reviews are unbiased from payment. But there we go! Could have been a lot worse in the DM so I’m happy with it.
    Thanks again!

    1. Thanks Cara. Seriously though, I know a whole bunch of women in a secret group on Facebook that would love to come and work for you if you need any…er… help…. with testing the products. lol

      Actually, I’ve had a good look through your website, and I think the reviews are just about the least interesting thing on there – not that they are boring, just that there is so much other stuff that’s more interesting.

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